family discussing will with lawyer

Why is My Stepmother Getting All the Money? The Preferential Treatment of Spouses in Inheritances

“I know my father wanted to leave me something after he died.  Why does my stepmother get everything?” It is not uncommon for a lawyer to meet with a new or potential client who raises this issue, especially in the context of a blended family. Why does the law prioritize your parent’s spouse (who is…

Beneficiary Forced to Pay Legal Costs of Estate Trustee During Litigation out of Inheritance

Beneficiary Forced to Pay Legal Costs of Estate Trustee During Litigation out of Inheritance

Naming an estate trustee during litigation (“ETDL”) is meant to reduce conflict and streamline the administration of an estate. However, problems can arise when a former estate trustee (and beneficiary) continues to cause conflict and frustrate the efforts of the ETDL. This was the case in the recent Ontario Superior Court decision Estate of Georgia…

I Want My Daughter to Be Independent and Self-Sufficient – Can I Cut Her Out of My Will?
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I Want My Daughter to Be Independent and Self-Sufficient – Can I Cut Her Out of My Will?

So you’re thinking about disinheriting your child. Contrary to what you and others might think, this does not make you a bad parent. Unlike in forced heirship regimes, children in Ontario have no legal right to inherit anything from their parents’ estates. You may disagree with their lifestyle, politics, finances, or simply desire to see…

What Happens to One Party’s Inheritance When a Couple Separates?

What Happens to One Party’s Inheritance When a Couple Separates?

What happens to one party’s inheritance when a couple separates? The answer depends on how the inheritance entered the relationship, and how it was spent, if at all. If one spouse receives an inheritance during the marriage and retains it, it will most often be excluded from the division of property upon separation. In the…